Healing Rituals & Tarot Consultations available worldwide...

About Me

Hello you lovely being!

There is a reason for everything we do and all that we come across - chances are, if you found your way here, you are someone who is looking to take your life path and mindset to the next level. You are ready to find the answers to all that will help you live in more alignment with your life path, shed any limiting beliefs and patterns that may be currently holding you back, and move forward with confidence in every move you make, every step that you take.

My name is Alka Bakshi. I am a Tarot Card Reader, Entrepreneur, Ritualist, Healer, Content Creator, Artist, and so much more.

I am a firm believer of the fact that all problems have solutions, and all questions have answers and through 20 years of experience, I can say with certainty that Tarot Card Reading serves as a guideline and a friend for life to find those solutions and answers. Tarot Card reading helps one make the best possible choices to navigate through life and move towards the direction of your desires. It also helps you deal with the obstacles that occur in day-to-day life as well as major life transitions, and it can play a massive part in your healing journey.

If this resonates with you, then I would like to extend an invitation to you to open the doors to a life filled with infinite possibilities and ways to step into it. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out. I'm most active on Instagram, so please follow me @alkaa_tarotcardreader and send me a message to say hello.